Forecast: Fr, 17.05.2024, Asia

Cities: 35 (7) Temp. Weather
Amasia 9°C  mostly sunny
Amdo 10°C  various clouds
Aparan 10°C  mostly sunny
Ashotsk 7°C  mostly sunny
Bol'soe-almaatinskoe-ozero 10°C  showers
Mount Damavand 8°C  various clouds
Darlag 10°C  showers and thunderstorms
Djermuk 9°C  rain
Dulan 10°C  rain
Gade 7°C  showers and thunderstorms
Gangca 10°C  showers
Guoluo 6°C  showers
Jigzhi 8°C  showers
Leh 5°C  mostly sunny
Madoi 5°C  snow showers

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